Friday, July 09, 2010


AT THE MOMENT I HAVE MOVED TO TUMBLR.  Who knows if it will be forever.
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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Movie Reviews of Movies Everyone has Already Seen

Murder on the Orient Express
LOVED IT. Also, sometimes boring. 
Also, there is basically no way you can figure out who the murderer is through clues.
ALSO Sean fucking Connery is in it.
Also, lastly, you should probs watch it sooner than later.

Like all movies I watch, it is available on Netflix Watch Instantly.  Why?  Because Boyfriend and I lost our DVDs.
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So, you guyses, I had a really fucking fantastic 4th of July.  There was cake, and babies, and pie, and fambly, and also wine.

But in all earnesty, I think seeing this sign after security at the Milwaukee airport, was hands down my favorite part:

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