Friday, May 22, 2009

48 Hour Film

Here it is, the long anticipated reveal of the 48 hour film I did with WIT Films.

BUT! Before you watch, you should know that:

1. This isn't much of a reveal because it has already screened twice.

2. It's mother fucking award winning. Yeah that's right. It won Best Sound Design, Best Direction, Audience Award, and First Runner Up for best film in DC.

3. uh, yup, okay, cool.

Rakirovka from WIT Films on Vimeo.

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Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Email that I KNOW I ACCIDENTALLY sent out to my entire floor of television production:

Hi Specific Person,
I had a patient fax something to the 1435 fax machine. But now I can't find it!

Any more clues to where it is?


Yes, I know for certain because the responses are coming in. Wonderful. I feel so fucking awesome right now.
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Thursday, May 07, 2009

Plug for me

1. I drank too much last night. Bad move on my part. I was drunk. I feel horrid now.

2. I am in a short film. It is showing tonight in a film festival. Here is a link:

3. When I can I will post the short film on this very website.

4. I want a bagel so bad but I also want to lose 12 pounds.

5. I am currently experiencing an unhealthy obsession with Ryan Gosling. I am a little scared of myself.

6. Bananas are hard to transport to work in your purse. Mine keeps getting squished by the tupperware. Should I put my banana in tupperware? That seems extreme.

7. I have a headache and my mouth tastes like alcohol.
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