Thursday, February 26, 2009



FIST is happening with Washington Improv Theater,

Also, Caveat shows are 8 pm on Fridays.

AND! Most importantly my FIST team Not Mad. Disappointed. performs on March 13th.

Get some tickets, yo.

And also new blog post below.

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Oh hello there...

Oh hello there, I didn't see you come in.

How many times has that line been used? And does it ever get a laugh? Why do we insist on using it?

These questions, and questions like these are just some of the answers you will get from my new book, "Karen Hamburger Answers Questions Like Those."

It's not for sale yet, nor is it even written. In factiod, I just made up the concept. But you would buy it, right? I mean, you kind of like me, right?

Okay, fine, let me cut to the chase. I don't think working is for me. The getting up in the morning, the showering, the caring about stuff other people tell you to care about. It's not my cup of latte, if you catch my drift. It will probably be a couple years until Boyfriend can support me and my unbridled festive sock addiction. So, I need to make money, and how, and fast.

And I could write a book. I mean it has to be what? Like 50 pages? You double space that thing and move the margins in a little, find a big font, and its already practically written.

Anywhoozle, let me know if you are pitching any get rich schemes because I would like to support piece in a pyramid.
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Wednesday, February 04, 2009

iPod Shuffle

Why oh why, iPod shuffle function do you only play The Fugees songs? I know there is more music on there, in fact, I loaded that music myself. But all you want to randomly play is The Score albulm. I have heard Killing Me Softly and Ready or Not enough times. And I really don't need to hear all those gun shot noises as I walk down the street. What about something a little lighter? Like the Journey or Eric Clapton I have on there. Or I would even take the Guys and Dolls soundtrack once in a while. I just don't think I can handle any more shout outs to your motha.

And, also, plus, yet, however, too I have shows this weekend! And they are very near and dear to my heart because I help put them together!

Funny, period. Hilarious women.

Ch-ch-check it out:
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Tuesday, February 03, 2009

karen hambuger and josephine

Spell "beret"

karen: i hope i get a french hat
which is impossible to spell

josephine: dig it

karen: niiice
thats closer i think

josephine: there is def a t in there

karen: beriet

josephine: baret
but why do you want one?
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Monday, February 02, 2009

Mind doodles

- Whenever I see a girl all fancied up walking down the street, all I can think is "I bet I am warmer than her."

- I have made it! I can sing along to every song at the grocery store. So, this is what adulthood is like.

- Tostitos and I made up. Only because I have been doing some serious comfort eating lately.

- On a completely unrelated note, who wants to give me a job?

- I have some comedy joke shows coming up. You guys should totally come! It'll be a blast. I just wish I got paid for them.

- Mini bottles of wine are a horrible idea. Stay away from them!

- Brownies are delicious.

- I can eat a can of Progresso Minstrone soup every single day and never get tired of it.

- I type about food a lot.
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